Sunday, September 20, 2015

Using SyntaxHighlighter and R Brush in Blogger

If you're thinking it is time to give the code examples in your blog a more readable look, you may follow this path and use the SyntaxHighlighter

First thing: check the SyntaxHighlighter Website for the basics.

Then follow this example, which I did. I will illustrate this below, including the implementation of the Java-script that is needed for R-syntax:

Add the subsequent lines just before the head closing tag in your HTML-template:

You'll see that the brushes for nearly all languages are by Alex Gorbatschev (SyntaxHighlighter), except the last one which is by Yihui Xie (Statistics, R, Graphics and Fun - Blog). That's the part you have to edit in your HTML-template. Then when adding R-syntax (or syntax in any other language for which we had just added the scripts) that should be highlighted, just use the following tags when posting in HTML-edit mode..
<pre class="brush: r">
test.function = function(r) {
return(pi * r^2)
and get the below result:
test.function = function(r) {
return(pi * r^2)

That was easy, wasn't it?

Stephen Turner reported troubles with < and > signs (see comments below). A quick glimpse on this didn't approve of that. However I will keep an eye on the issue...
# testing potential problems with > and <:
if x > 0 {y = 1}: if x < 0 {y = 0}

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