Sunday, September 20, 2015

Blog Statistics with StatCounter & R

If you're interested in analysing your blog's statistics this can easily be done with a web-service like StatCounter (free, only registration needed, quite extensive service) and with R.
After implementing the StatCounter script in the html code of a webpage or blog one can download and inspect log-files with R with some short lines of code (like below) and then inspect visitor activity..

url <- ""
file <- paste(tempdir(), "\\log", ".CSV", sep = "")
download.file(url, dest = file)
log <- read.csv(file, = T, header = T)


'data.frame': 500 obs. of 19 variables:
$ Date.and.Time : chr "2011-12-19 23:32:30" "2011-12-19 23:20:04" "2011-12-19 23:16:24" "2011-12-19 23:14:40" ...
$ IP.Address : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ IP.Address.Label: logi NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ Browser : chr "Chrome" "Firefox" "Chrome" "Firefox" ...
$ Version : chr "16.0" "8.0" "15.0" "6.0" ...
$ OS : chr "MacOSX" "WinXP" "Win7" "MacOSX" ...
$ Resolution : chr "1280x800" "1680x1050" "1280x1024" "1280x800" ...
$ Country : Factor w/ 44 levels "Argentina","Australia",..: 17 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ...
$ Region : chr "Nordrhein-Westfalen" "Florida" "Illinois" "Massachusetts" ...
$ City : chr "Köln" "Gainesville" "Chicago" "Cambridge" ...
$ Postal.Code : int NA 32611 NA 2138 2138 NA 10003 2138 2138 2138 ...
$ ISP : chr "Telefonica Deutschland GmBH" "UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA" "Illinois Century Network" "Harvard University" ...
$ Returning.Count : int 2 0 4 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 ...
$ Page.URL : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ Page.Title : Factor w/ 53 levels "","onlinetrickpdf*",..: 36 50 23 46 10 20 13 9 10 46 ...
$ Came.From : chr "" ""| __truncated__ "" "" ...
$ SE.Name : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ SE.Host : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ SE.Term : chr "" "" "" "" ...

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