Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Function for Adding up Matrices with Different Dimensions

I couldn't find a function that can handle matrices with different dimensions and thus coded one myself.  It can sum up matrices and also copes with matrices with different dimensions.

# File: combmat.R
# Purpose: add up matrices with different dimensions
# Input: a list of 2-dimensional matrices
# Output: a combined matrix
# Author: Kay Cichini
# Date: Nov. 23th 2011

combmat <- function(m_l = list(NA)){
n_m <- length(m_l) # no. of matrices used
rownames_l <- lapply(m_l, rownames) # list of rownames
colnames_l <- lapply(m_l, colnames) # list of colnames
rownames_new <- unique(unlist(rownames_l)) # new, general rownames
colnames_new <- unique(unlist(colnames_l)) # new, general colnames

dimnames_new = list(rownames_new, colnames_new)
m_new <- matrix(nrow = length(rownames_new),
ncol = length(colnames_new),
data = 0,
dimnames = dimnames_new)

m_interm_arr <- # array of intermediate
array(m_new, dim = c(length(rownames_new), # matrices with same no. of
length(colnames_new), n_m), # dimensions as elements in
dimnames = dimnames_new) # list of input matrices

# take i-th element in list of imput matrices and add
# its values according to the appropiate row and col indexes
# in i-th dimension (i-th matrix) within array:
for (i in 1:n_m) {
m_interm_arr[,,i][rownames_l[[i]], colnames_l[[i]]] <- m_l[[i]]
return(apply(m_interm_arr, c(1,2), sum))

# Example:
print(m1 <- matrix(sample(1:40), 4, 10, dimnames = list(1:4,1:10)))
print(m2 <- matrix(sample(1:40), 10, 4, dimnames = list(1:10,1:4)))

combmat(m_l = list(m1, m2))

It is very likely that someone else may come to a more effective approach - I'd be happy to here about improvements or if there is a package/function doing the same...

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