Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rasterize CORINE Landcover 2006 Seamless Vector Data with OGR-rasterize

Following up my latest postings (HERE & HERE) on Corine Landcover I'll share how to rasterize this data at a desired resolution with OGR rasterize:

cd D:/GIS_DataBase/CorineLC/shps_app_and_extr/

# grab extracted and appended / merged file, created previously:


# rasterize y- and x-resolution = 50 map units:
gdal_rasterize -a code_06 -tr 50 50 -l $name $myfile D:/GIS_DataBase/CorineLC/shps_app_and_extr/clc_tirol_raster_50.tif

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