Sunday, September 20, 2015

Displaying any Google Maps Content in Google Earth via Network-Links

This is a handy option for displaying Google Maps in Google Earth. This could be any of your own maps created in Google Maps, a route or whatever. One nice feature of GE's Network-Links is that if you or any other contributor of a Google map modifies it (in Google Maps), it will be refreshed also in Google Earth.To do so, just grab the link from Google Maps. Like this one for a route:,+Innsbruck&daddr=Haggen,+Sankt+Sigmund+im+Sellrain&hl=de&ll=47.227496,11.250687&spn=0.12007,0.338173&sll=47.230526,11.250825&sspn=0.120063,0.338173&geocode=FagR0QIdYR-uACGQHB8W0fIkjCkfsEUhQ2mdRzGQHB8W0fIkjA%3BFZhY0AId6CypACnvxXqyRz2dRzG6da9r3hgbNA&oq=hagge&t=h&dirflg=h&mra=ls&z=12

Then go to GE and choose "Add" from main menu and "Network-Link" from the submenu. Then paste the above link and append "&output=kml" to it. That's it!

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