Sunday, September 20, 2015

VBA Spreadsheet Function for Substring Inbetween Strings

Function Substring2(theString As String, str1 As String, repstr1 As Integer, Optional str2 As Variant, Optional repStr2 As Variant) As String

'author: kay cichini
'date: 04112014
'purpose: find substring deligned by the x-th repition of one string at the left side
' and anothers string x-th repition at the right side
'str1: first string to be matched
'str2: second string to be matched, optional
'repstr1: nth repition of str1 to be matched
'repstr2: nth repition of str2 to be matched, optional
' with optional arguments ommited function will return substring ending with the last character of the
' searchstring
'example: Substring2("1234 678 101214 xxxx"; " "; 2; "x"; 3)
' will match position 10 after the second repition of str1, find position 20 after the third "x"
' then apply a mid-function with signature 'mid(string, start, length)',
' where the position 10 is the start and length is position 20 - len("x") - 10 = 9
' and the result is "101214 xx"

Dim start1, start2, lenStr1, lenStr2, length As Integer

If IsMissing(str2) And IsMissing(repStr2) Then

'case when last char in string should be matched

start1 = 1
lenStr1 = Len(str1)

If InStr(start1, theString, str1) = 0 Then
'0 -> String couldn't be matched!
Exit Function
End If

For i = 0 To repstr1 - 1
start1 = InStr(start1, theString, str1) + lenStr1
Next i

length = Len(theString) - start1 + 1
Substring2 = Mid(theString, start1, length)


'other cases
start1 = 1
lenStr1 = Len(str1)
start2 = 1
lenStr2 = Len(str2)

If InStr(start1, theString, str1) = 0 Or InStr(start2, theString, str2) = 0 Then
'0 -> String couldn't be matched!
Exit Function
End If

For i = 0 To repstr1 - 1
start1 = InStr(start1, theString, str1) + lenStr1
Next i

For i = 0 To repStr2 - 1
start2 = InStr(start2, theString, str2) + lenStr2
Next i

length = start2 - lenStr2 - start1
Substring2 = Mid(theString, start1, length)

End If

End Function

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